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News about BHS Global Logistics

What is BHS Global Logistics doing? What course is being set? How is this young and innovative company developing as a competence partner in the field of logistics? Which trends & innovations in the logistics industry should you not miss? Learn more and click through our news!



BHS Global Logistics packaged first machines for sea freight

Finally, last week the first machines of BHS Corrugated were packaged for sea freight at our new logistics center of BHS Global Logistics! On…

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BHS Global Logistics GmbH will be new competence partner of BHS Corrugated

The supply chain is an important factor in the value chain of BHS Corrugated and therefore plays a central role for the future of the company. In…

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BHS Corrugated and IGZ cooperate for logistics center

BHS Corrugated is investing at its headquarters. By mid 2023, a state-of-the-art logistics center for manufacturing/assembly supply and global spare…

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Groundbreaking ceremony for new logistics center in Weiherhammer

On Thursday, September 23, 2021, the groundbreaking ceremony for the logistics center in the »Weberschlag« industrial park in Weiherhammer took place.…

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BHS Corrugated acquires large property in Weiherhammer for logistics park

BHS Corrugated acquires an 18-hectare property in the catchment area of the municipality of Weiherhammer. This is the open space in the »Weberschlag«…

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